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What we do

Ngāti Manawa Charitable Trust is a charitable trust based in Murupara. In alignment with its creation in 2009, the Trust is undertaking a strategy process to record its goals and establish initiatives to achieve them. To assist with this process, the Trust completed a strategic planning workshop with Deloitte. This report outlines the team’s discussion in a format that provides a Growth Plus Value Map and a Strategic Blueprint with action points to be completed in the short, medium, and long term. The Value Map and Blueprint are designed to focus the organisation’s limited resources on the most pressing goals and those that will have the most impact. The Value Map and Strategic Blueprint are summary reference documents that outline the trusts’ key focus areas and targets to measure their success. We encourage you to refer to the Value Map and Strategic Blueprint regularly and have them visible in your office.

In our constitution, the purpose of the trust is to promote and develop the social and economic advancement of Ngāti Manawa, including education, health and social services, whanau and hapu development, relief of poverty, youth development, support Ngāti Manawatanga and marae, as well as spiritual support. (Ref Constitution section 4.3).

To achieve this, the trust has drawn on the Te Pae Mahutonga Maori Health model (Sir Professor Mason Durie) to guide us.  This model uses the symbolism of the 4 stars of the southern cross, along with the 2 pointer stars, to produce 6 navigational beacons to point us in the right direction, being:




Healthy Lifestyles


Physical Environment

Nga Manukura

Community Leadership

Te Oranga

Participation in Society

Te Mana Whakahaere


Building on this theme, to pinpoint our destination, we have incorporated the “Te Puawaitanga o te Whanau” Markers of flourishing whanau model (Te Kani Kingi).  The definition of flourishing whanau is when they are truly living, rather than just existing.  Their lives fill them with a sense of ongoing vitality and they look forward to the future with confidence and enthusiasm.  We will know when we have achieved our purpose of promoting and developing the social, economic and cultural advancement of Ngati Manawa, when our whanau flourish, rather than languish.  The 6 markers of flourishing whanau, our co-ordinates that pinpoint our destination, are:

  1. Whanau Heritage – whanau know their distinctive Ngati Manawa heritage – whakapapa, te reo, tikanga, waiata, customary land, presence on the marae, access to waahi tapu and knowledge of Ngati Manawatanga.

  2. Whanau Wealth – whanau have sufficient wealth to enable a high standard of living – whanau assets, incomes, financial reserves, housing, land ownership, whanau financial security, job security, income security.

  3. Whanau capacities – whanau have the capacity to participate fully in society – education, lifestyles, self-management of health, employment, positive interaction with institutions like schools, govt departments etc, access to reliable transport

  4. Whanau Cohesion – whanau are cohesive, practice whanaungatanga and foster positive intergenerational transfers of knowledge and experiences, quality relationships, open positive communication, whanau worldwide are able to participate in whanau life, positive whanau leadership, whanau events and involvement in traditions, whanau wananga.

  5. Whanau Connectedness – whanau connections lead to empowerment – positive use of social institutions like schools, healthcare, community facilities, whanau participate in community groups and events, whanau exercise their citizenship rights (vote), contribute to community boards, committees etc, and whanau are able to look inward and outward.

  6. Whanau Resilience – whanau are able to overcome adversity and adapt to change – futures planning, positive whanau change over time, the transmission of knowledge and values across generations, retain heritage while participating in mainstream, enduring whanau leadership and resilience.

To reach these destinations we need transformative pathways which are the catalysts that change the whanau experience from current whanau realities of negative social, cultural and economic circumstances, to a future state of flourishing Ngati Manawa whanau.  In this way, as they did for our tupuna, the stars will guide us to our destination. The Trust completed a vision exercise during the strategy workshop that confirmed they were in agreement with the vision of Ngati Manawa Charitable Trust.  To pursue the overarching vision there are 4 key pou that captured the important areas for the Trust to focus on.

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