On Friday 9th September Te Runanga o Ngati Manawa hosted their 5th Community Native Planting Day at Kani Rangi Park. The aim of this project - to plant 5000 native shrubs & trees.
Despite the weather conditions, the planting did not dampen the high spirits of our tamariki from Murupara Area School, Te Kura Kaupapa Motuhake, Karamuramu Kindergarten and our Kuia & community members.
The excitement from all the community & tamariki was evident, successfully planting the allocated 5000 plants within two hours. All attendees were treated to hot fried bread, soup and sausage sizzles. To complete the day tamariki also participated in other activities that aligned with DoCs Conservation Week.
tuna presentation (Te Mana o te Wai roopu)
tuna obstacle course (Department of Conservation)
bird-feeder activity (REAP).