Te Repo o Hinengāwari Wetlands Restoration
Te Repo o Hinengāwari is one of 3 sites along Kopuriki Road to be included in the scope of this project.
Work undertaken at this 17 ha site has included:
Creating and maintaining 1.8 km of walking tracks for contractor safety and to improve accessibility for landowners and locals.
Pest Plant Control
17 ha of exotic, pest plant species have been controlled. The majority of this work was ground-based. A helicopter was also deployed for one day to control the willow canopy. Combined, this work has removed willows as the dominant tree species in the wetland and now provides greater opportunity for native species to thrive.
Bird monitoring
Since the inception of the project, native bird counts have increased at this site. This is based on the number of bird calls heard in the baseline survey compared to the number heard two years later. Another survey will take place in the summer of 2022.
The increase is a result of improved native habitat but also the extensive pest animal control undertaken at all the sites.
Native birds heard and observed have included the key wetland indicator species pūweto (spotless crake) (nationally declining) and other native species including kōtare, tui, ruru, piwakawaka, riroriro and pukeko. Many other species of common introduced birds also frequent the wetland including sparrows, blackbirds, thrush, quail, mallards, rosela and finches.
Vegetation monitoring
Vegetation plots within the wetland have been observed over the life of the project to observe changes of invasive and native plant species. Final results will be provided in 2023.
Pest animal monitoring
Reduction in pest animals, mustelids, possums and rats by the following percentages.
Pest Animal Control
This work has targeted possums, cats, rats and mustelids within the wetland and includes managing reinvasion of these species. The near elimination of pest mammals has enabled restoration planting and existing seedbeds to take hold within the wetland. Combined with the increased light available since the willow canopy was removed, native plants in the wetland have thrived.
Native Planting
12,500 native plants were planted during the project lifetime on the margins and within the wetland.
In the first three years following the planting, regular maintenance of these native species was required. This involves removing any pest plants that try to dominate/choke the natives before they are fully established.
Approximately 1.3km of 5 wire fence with 2 electric wires to exclude stock from the wetlands and protect the site.
All of the above operational activities were undertaken by local mana whenua contractors, providing several new jobs.
Following the completion of the first 5 years of the project, pest plant and animal control will continue at the sites to maintain the success of this project into the future.